Friday, October 31, 2008

the list

After the recess week, deadlines for papers are chasing after me and work is piling non-stop. Managed to finish public finance project on monday and had to go school on deepavali to get it done. Things slow down abit after presentation on tuesday. Went down to k-box buffet to disconnect my cable to the school reality and to celebrate joan's 21th birthday.

Quite proud of myself for completing a number of assignments, essays and other mini tasks for the past 2 days due to the piling pressure to get things done and to strike them off my list! These task include stat assignment, 3 philo blog posts, political ritual essay. Planning planning and planning, always planning to produce the perfect work but somehow actually work didnt start, only mental work is done. In time of rush hour like this, i have to resort to nike slogan of "Juz do it", it's how i manage to finished my soci paper by just starting the first step of opening a new blank word documents. I somehow have to tell myself to stop thinking and start doing. :)

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